BNIC: Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac is an interprofessional
French institution that monitors the quality of Cognac and trains Cognac
Educators. (Also known as Cognac Ambassador)
Cognac Educators are responsible for promoting professional training
in fields related to Cognac, such as training professional tasters,
sommeliers, distributors and managers, to develop cultural and artistic
aspects, auctions and investments, appreciation and collection by actively
engage in forums and events.
Man's Chan accepted the invitation from Bureau National Interprofessionnel
du Cognac (BNIC) to attend the 3-day Cognac Educator Course held in
Cognac, France on 9 December 2012. A total of 14 experts in the Cognac
industry from France, UK, German, US and India were invited to participate
in this internationally known Cognac qualification course. Those who
pass all strict professional requirements and standards will be awarded
with the qualification of Cognac Educator and certificate will be given,
and Mr. Chan has obtained the highest rank of the qualification - Gold
Medal. He is the first Chinese person ever to get Gold Medal, and also
the second Chinese person to be awarded with the qualification of Cognac
Educator out of totally 44 qualified Cognac Educators in 3 years since
the course started.
moments of Man's Chan attending the course and prize-giving.